Welcome to the Wedding of
Agata & Thomas

On June 28th, 2025, we will be celebrating our love in Bydgoszcz, at the stunning Boska Wenecja, located in the heart of the city. This website will provide you with all the information you need to join us as we begin this new chapter of our lives together. We look forward to showing you what Bydgoszcz has to offer.

Please let us know if you're coming by 01/04/2025, through either text or call on +49015205843860 or +48515502321

happy team image


Time and location

Ceramony location

The ceramony will be taking place at the Bydgoszcz civil registry office location at Sielanka 8A, 85-073 Bydgoszcz.

Ceramony location
Reception location

Reception location

After the ceramony we will convene at Boska Wenecja where the party will take place, located at Poznańska 8/14, 85-129 Bydgoszcz. Remeber to bring your dancing shoes :)



Dear friends and family, here’s our plea, We’re dreaming of Turkey’s skies to see. A hot air balloon, so high, so bright, Would make our honeymoon pure delight. If you’d like to help us take this flight, A little cash would feel just right. And instead of flowers, sweet and fair, coffee beans show how much you care. With your sweet gift, we’ll toast to you, Each morning fresh, with a lovely brew!


What to see and what to do

Comming soon...


Customs, Games and Wedding Traditions

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React landing page 2021

© 2025 created by Thomas Frederiksen